How To Draw A Mosquito (Easy!)
Here’s a tutorial for how to draw an easy mosquito in just a few basic steps.
This simple guide will have you quickly make a cartoon mosquito picture.
When it comes down to it, you can easily draw all objects once you break them down into separate shapes.
We’ve done that for you to have you on your way.
Here’s a fun fact, did you know it’s only female mosquitoes who bite? They can sense you are human and a food source from carbon dioxide.
For more fun mosquito facts, check out the bottom of the page.
When you finish, feel free to add more details, like coloring in your mosquito, and background elements, like trees and flowers.
Or other insects like the wasp in this tutorial or our butterfly, bumblebee, or ant.
Drwing Supplies You’ll Need
- Pencil
- Sheet of paper
- An eraser
- Pencil sharpener
Optional Materials
- Crayons
- Colored pencils
- Markers
How To Draw An Easy Mosquito Step By Step
Step 1. Draw The Mosquito’s Head
Let’s start with the head! Draw a circle to represent the mosquito’s head.
Step 2. Add The Thorax
Next is the thorax. Draw a smaller circle overlapping the top left side of the head circle.
It should rest just a bit above the bottom of the head circle.
Step 3. Draw The Abdomen
Now for the mosquito’s abdomen. First, erase any parts of the thorax circle that overlap.
Then, draw an oval that’s narrow on one end and wider on the other, attaching it to the thorax. It looks like an egg!
Step 4. Put In The Band Lines
Mosquitoes have cool band lines on their bodies. Draw these lines in a curve from the top to the bottom of the thorax, making four evenly-spaced arcs.
Step 5. Draw The Facial Details
Draw two large circles for the eyes at the top of the head. They should overlap the top and sides of the head.
Then, for the mouth, draw a wide, curved line that dips down on one side, giving our mosquito a bit of a smile.
Finish with a narrower curve below the bottom of the mouth.
Step 6. Add The Antennae and Proboscis
Now, let’s draw the antennae and the mosquito’s needle, called a proboscis (beak).
The antennae are two lines that lean away from each other above the head, getting closer at the ends.
The beak is a longer line that starts between the eyes and points down just a bit.
Step 7. Sketch The Wings
For the wings, draw a large, wide oval coming out from the middle of the thorax, slanting backward.
Add another wing behind the first one, starting at the point where the head and thorax meet
Step 8. Create The Wing Details
Let’s detail those wings! Add two lines in the front wing: one long line starting at the thorax and a shorter one in between.
For the back wing, draw one line in the middle, about three-fourths the length of the wing.
Step 9. Draw The Legs
Mosquitoes have six long legs. Draw two curves for the back legs, one for each middle leg, and two for the front legs.
Step 10. Sketch The Mosquito’s Feet
Finally, add small oval shapes at the ends of each leg for the feet, mostly starting at the front of each leg.
Mosquito Fun Facts
- Mosquitoes don’t bite with teeth; they use a needle-like beak to draw blood.
- Those itchy spots from a mosquito bite? That’s an allergic reaction to their saliva.
- To keep mosquitoes at bay, eliminate standing water where they love to breed.
- Mosquitoes can spread diseases like Zika, Dengue, and Yellow fever, so protecting yourself from bites is important.
Now you’ve learned how to draw a mosquito and some interesting facts about these tiny creatures.
How to Draw A Mosquito (Easy!)
You can easily learn how to draw a mosquito with this simple and fun drawing tutorial. A fun step by step guide.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Pencil Sharpener
- Optional:
- Markers
- Crayons
- Colored Pencils
- First Draw A Circle For The Head of The Mosquito
- Make The Thorax As A Smaller Circle
- Add The Abdomen Which Is An Long Oval That Connects To The Small Circle
- Create The Band Lines Which Are Arc-Shaped
- Draw The Eyes And Mouth
- Add The Antennae and Proboscis Which Are Both Long Parallel Lines That Taper Together
- Draw The Wings Of The Mosquito As Long Ovals That Start At The Thorax
- Create The Wing Details By Drawing The Inner Lines Inside
- Draw The Legs As Long Curves. There Are 6 Of Them
- Add The Oval-Shaped Feet At The Bottom Of Each Leg
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